SuperHero Request Form

Please copy and paste the form in an email after filling it out, and send to


Name (Last, First):




Address (Street #, Street, City, State/Province, Country):




Reason for needing help (Hold on, I am coming!): 



Sponsors covering travel expenses (If applicable. 6 Pack can also help find sponsors):




Suggested Superhero feat (towing a plane, flipping cars, pulling ferry boats to shore, lifting bleachers full of people, any thing is possible!):




Last and most importantly, Do you believe in Superheroes?





Request Form

6 Pack Lapadat visits childrens’ martial arts class! Hilarious video!!!

Here is a short 2 minute video of (Guinness World Record Breaking) Strongman 6 Pack Lapadat visiting a children’s martial arts class…hilarious video! Enjoy!!!

City to City tour in the works!!!

2009 will be a busy year for me.

In the works is a city to city tour across Canada. In every city I will be visiting the local public schools and talking to the students about setting goals and chasing dreams. And ofcourse, towing 26,500 pound school buses.

In every city on the tour I will be doing TV, newspapers, radio, etc. aswell. There are numerous sponsors on board, all of them glad to help towards the cause (the SickKids hospital). With their help we are making a difference. The word is spreading.

2009 will bring a few new attachments to the website, and there will also be 6 Pack T-Shirts, CDs, Posters, Calenders, Pictures, etc available  online or at my public events. All proceeds go towards the SickKids hospital.

There will be more strength competitions in 2009, and I plan on setting more Canadian records, and heading to the World Championships to represent Canada once again.

The media and public attention and support has been overwhelming.  The website has received thousands of hits, and the news story has gone National coast to coast. An independent film company has also asked to film the events for a documentary piece to be submitted to film festivals.

The momentum is gaining.

In my home town of Guelph they had to shut down an entire wing at the hospital because of the economic situation and lack of funds to keep it open. Some patients are sleeping in the ER with no rooms to head to. With every city I visit, we’ll make a difference. I have been planning with the help of my sponsors a major fundraising year for 2009. Our hospitals will stay open to all.

We don’t turn away our sick in Canada.

Team Canada leaves for the US to do battle

6 Pack and Alex, Canadian representatives at the Can-Am meet

6 Pack and Alex, Canadian representatives at the Can-Am meet

In the past week this site has had over a thousand hits. I have to thank every one for spreading the word and helping out. I can’t say enough how important it is to have people generous enough to donate to this cause.

The Canadian lifters going to the US has been cut yet again as of yesterday. First Jared Rowntree pulled out, now Jason Fabbian has also decided to not compete. Both have personal reasons that prohibit them from competing against the Americans this weekend. Canada’s representation at this tournament is going to be extremely small as a result of these last minute cuts to our team.

But that is fine, cause when you step onto that stage to do your lifts you are alone anyways. My goal of setting a Canadian curl record is still embedded in my head. No matter how many Canadians are with me in competition, I still have to worry about my own lifts. So in that aspect nothing has changed.

I’ll do my best for my team mates who couldn’t make the trip, and for those who have poured in to support me. The support is overwhelming. I appreciate it. When I get back I’ll have a full write up of how it all went.

Now lets go crush some Yankees…