Canada’s Got Talent, the “REAL” auditions you didn’t see

It seems every one is tuning in to Canada’s Got Talent to see the “auditions” rounds of the TV show. In every talent show on TV it is the “auditions” episodes that get the most ratings because the viewers never know what to expect. They might see a future star in the making take stage with a historic act, or a comically bad performance that ends up just as historic.

The “auditions” you see on TV however are not really the auditions of these shows at all. The real auditions take place months before. It would be unmanagable for the tv producers to tape all 20,000 competitors for Canada’s Got Talent live on stage in front of the 3 celebrity judges, then edit all that footage for the TV shows. As a competitor of the show Canada’s Got Talent, here is a look at how the real auditions took place…

Rachel Brown of Insight productions, the company that produces Canada’s Got Talent, contacted site administrator, Grant Buhr, who put a posting on the Ontario Strongman forum asking any strongman interested to contact her about auditioning for the show. That is when I seen the following message Grant passed on to the strongmen…

“I’m a producer on the new series \”Canada\’s Got Talent\” and I\’d like to encourage some strongmen to apply – there have been some great acts done on the American version of the show, and I know Canada has the talent to top it! Please email me for further information, or go on the website”

This was in August of 2011.

Certain acts that needed a lot of space to perform, or needed large props, were allowed to film thier act and bring the video to the audtion. The film could only be 2 minutes in length, and had to be completely unedited. An act like Lucas Wilson, the escape artist, or the group Project Dunk who jumps on a trampoline to dunk basketballs would likely bring in a video of themselves performing their acts.

I towed an airplane.

It was September of 2011, with my video in hand I arrived at the Roger’s Centre with my friend Louis Szpeflicki. The line up was incredibly long, and filled with all types of characters. Once inside the building we all sat in the bleachers and waited for our competitor numbers to be called. 10 competitors at a time would be taken away and asked to wait outside of a VIP box overlooking the baseball field.

Louis Szpeflicki's mobile photo of 6 Pack Lapadat at the Canada's Got Talent auditions held at the Rogers Centre in Toronto

There were several VIP boxes going at the same time with a TV producer in each. In groups of 10 we entered the room and took turns performing in front of the TV producer. In my group I was the only act that was not a signer. Out of the 9 singers in the room, 6 or 7 were good enough for radio.

6 Pack Lapadat hamming it up for the cameras at the Rogers Centre

After our auditions, the group was leaving the VIP box when I was asked to stick around to do an interview to be filmed by a TV crew. The TV crew filmed me lifting and pressing over my head a large steel crowd divider with my shirt off. They also filmed me posing for the camera, and showing off my muscles. Portions of this was shown on TV.

6 Pack Lapadat posing for the video cameras at the "real" auditions for Canada's Got Talent, held at the Rogers Centre

I was then told I would be notified via email if I made it to the next round, billed then as the Toronto “showcase” round. I was told this round would be in front of 3 celebrity judges, and filmed for television. While me being asked to hang back for a filmed interview and segment was a good indication I was advancing, it was far from certain. As it turned out, a number of competitors who were asked to do the same never made it to the showcase rounds.

It was in early November I was informed by an email that I had made it to the top 500 (from the original 20,000). My performance for the showcase round of Toronto would be filmed on December 5th of 2011. I had 3 weeks to put together a strongman act that could be performed on stage and still WOW thousands in a packed Toronto Convention Center, over a million viewers at home, and hopefully the 3 judges.

But that my friends, is another story for another article…

Canada’s Got Talent: A competitor’s story of the epic fails

As a competitor on the hit TV show Canada’s Got Talent, I’d like to offer a look at the behind the scenes viewers may not know about.

Canada’s Got Talent is a block buster show on cityTV. The broadcaster sunk a majority of their budget into the show in hopes of making a hit, and the ratings suggest they did just that. Not a single episode has recieved less than 1.2 million viewers tuning in. For a country of roughly 35 million people, that is a good chunk of the Nation watching, and even more reading and hearing about the show later on.

In every talent show (American Idol, So you thing you can dance, etc.) it is the auditions shows that get the highest ratings. This is because the auditions can go either way, an epic coming-out-of-talent or an epic fail. The viewer never knows what they are going to get once the competitor comes on the screen. Lets be honest, the epic fails are almost (or even more) entertaining than the truely talented acts.

Some acts were pushed forward by producers to fail on stage

While this will likely shock no body, some acts were pushed forward to fail on stage. The “auditions” shows that are seen on TV are actual “showcase” rounds. The real auditions took place across the country with an estimated 20,000 people participating. TV producers trim the competitors from 20,000 to a little over 500 across Canada for the showcase rounds. It is the showcase rounds that are filmed and televised for TV with the three celebrity judges. That means 19,500 people get cut right off the bat. So when you see an act on stage that is just terrible, they were strategicly planted there for your entertainment.

That being said, I can honestly tell you the number of duds placed in the show for entertainment value was a lot lower than people think. For instance, you may get two to three duds place in an show and they are going to get air time because they were placed there on purpose for entertainment. However, their air time is limited, and for every dud who is bound to fail you have 30 competitors who were picked to go forward because the producers believe they truely have a chance.

The epic fails were met with three red Xs from the judges. This seperates this show from other talent shows on TV.

Some who got cut during the initial auditions (when there was 20,000 competitors) complain that producers cut them and pushed forward some epic fails to join the 500 competitors to the next round (the TV round). If they were honest, we all knew this would be the case as this is far from new with talent shows. Also, of the 500 competitors who made it to the showcase rounds, only a few hand fulls were placed there for epic fails. It seems like more because they show the epic fails on TV, however, live you rarely saw some one bomb. Most people who did not move forward were good, but simply not good enough.

For those that got cut, often its easier to look for a different reason why they got cut.

Canada's Got Talent judges were a lot "gentler" than America's Got Talent judges. There was no Piers Morgan

Another interesting thing about Canada’s Got Talent, the show was a lot “softer” on their epic fails than other talent shows. Perhaps this is because producers felt it is un-Canadian to be too critical and rude. Even the worst of bombs on stage were greated with a carefully worded “no” from a judge. When the judges did take jabs at the acts, it was usually done behind a joke that was more comical than mean. It is a tough thing to do, making fun of an act while not being truely mean. Martin Short was likely the best at it. Comedy comes easy to Martin, and he had the ability to make a light hearted joke about an act while not coming off too harsh.

Clever comedic jabs were placed by funny man Martin Short on untalented contestants.

Of the three judges in the showcase rounds (“auditions” for tv) Martin was likely the toughest of the three judges to win over, with a Measha Brueggergosman coming in a close second. Measha was fearless with her picks, even if it was not going to go over well with the crowd. For that it was clear she was a good choice by the producers to fill the role. The last thing you want on a talent show is a judge who is affriad to offer critique and state their honest opinion of an act.

Measha filled her role well as a Judge on Canada's Got Talent

Stephan Moccio suprised me. I did not know much about Stephan before the show. I learned, like most other people I’d assume, about his impressive credentials in the music business after he was selected as a judge.  On TV it is clear that most of the jokes and one-liners that aired belong to Martin Short, however, in the actual live taping Stephan was suprisingly up to par with Martin in that department. Stephan had some of the funniest one liners the day I was there in the audience after I had performed.

Stephan was suprisingly funny and charismatic

As for what it was like to actually perform, as well as the back stage goods on how the show works on that end of things, check out the article next!…